Results Driven
Often when a client starts with us they are coming out of a haze of confusion. To the best of their ability they have tried every item on the menu and are frustrated with their results. They have tried foam rolling, massage, chiropractic, physical therapy, cupping, dry needling, and the list goes on and on.
It is not that these methods are necessarily bad or ineffective but "ordering off the menu" is simply guessing. So how do we do it different?
We assess objectively, treat specifically, and train consistently.
Full Joint By Joint Assessment
Injury Specific Soft Tissue Treament
Training Plan To Continue Progress At Home
Athlete Specific & Tailored To You
No More Guessing
We have a saying "If you aren't assessing, then you are guessing." What we do at Superhuman Lab is create a systematic approach to get you game ready. This is not a recipe! A recipe is when you do the same thing for each person with disregard to the individualistic needs of that person.
A systematic approach is troubleshooting a problem with a hierarchy of importance. At the top of the hierarchy are what we call "red flags"; these are the things that are the greatest threat to you and your goals. We then prioritize the red flags and week by week make appropriate adjustments. Over the years one thing I have realized is that all the information needed will not be accessible until the previous step is completed. That is why we systematize our process to keep you on track and keep motivated!

Our Mission

Superhuman Lab's mission is to do what others deem to be impossible, bring the most up to date research to our athletes, and consistently out perform ourselves.
Do What Others Deem To Be Impossible.
If you are not disrupting the status quo then you are accepting mediocrity. The day of competition you are either in the game or on the bench. The process may not be easy, it may not be quick, but I promise you we will do everything in our power to hit that rendezvous.
Bring The Most Up To Date Research.
It is my duty and obligation to ensure I am bringing my athletes the most current and up to date research available. This is why I have dedicated time in my day for study as well as travel to seminars and events throughout the year.
Out Perform Ourselves.
One of the best pieces of advice I've received is "evolve before you have too." Again I believe in challenging the status quo as a core principle but it also keeps us playing the unwinnable but worthy game of being the best and mastering our craft. That is the environment we harvest at Superhuman Lab. We hold each other accountable to your personal greatness.

Ryan Esdohr, Owner of Superhuman Lab
Ryan Esdohr founded Superhuman Lab in 2014 after moving back to Iowa from Atlanta, Georgia. While in Atlanta, Ryan worked at a premiere sports therapy clinic working along side some of the most sought out doctors, trainers, and therapists which granted him the opportunity to work with athletes in the NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, PGA, and Track & Field.